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Types of study
1. Sectores
2. Sectores basic
3. Informes Especiales
4. Informes Especiales basic
5. Competitors
6. Sectores Portugal
7. Sectores Portugal basic
8. Ratios Sectoriales
9. CNAE+50
10. Trend Industria
11. Business Rating
Areas of activity
1. Real Estate
2. Food and Drinks
3. Construction and Building Materials
4. Retailing
5. Transportation Equipment
6. Other Manufacturing Industries
7. Finance and Insurance
8. Wood and Furniture
9. Electrical and Electronic Equipment
10. Metal and Machinery
11. Paper, Printing and Publishing
12. Chemical and Petroleum
13. Business Services
14. Textiles and Clothing
15. Transport, Communications and Utilities
16. Tourism, Leisure, Culture and Health
Activity Indicators
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